S&S Power Switchgear Ltd (S&S) was established as small switchgear manufacturing unit way back in 1975 in Madras (Now Chennai) India. In 1978 company entered into collaboration with South Wales Switchgear and introduced High Voltage Disconnecting Switches and the company is one of the major player in the world in this field today. It acquired a license from M/s Hawker Siddley group group of companies, U.K. and achieved two breakthroughs in quick succession.
The revolutionary introduction of Vacuum Circuit Breakers in the year 1981.
The launch of its patented outdoor Porcelain Clad Vacuum Circuit Breakers soon after.
S&S Power was the first company in India to introduce these high technology products in Indian Market.
In 1992 a Joint Venture company was set up in Malaysia and agents were appointed in different parts of the world. Several initiatives undertaken to develop export market. This also included acquisition of Acrastyle Limited in Ulverston in UK in 1997. Acrastyle has very good brand image and a capable integrator of protection systems and switching solutions in UK and world. A state of the art factory was set up in Pondicherry to manufacture High Voltage Disconnector in 1997.
Factory at Porur in Chennai continued to be the main facility for high quality, low cost manufacturing of high technology switchgear products. This factory was closed in 2002 due to financial problems and tiger economy crisis. Later MV Switchgear Manufacturing operations were re-started at MM Nagar Factory near Chennai.
After Porur closure, company started to re-build itself and focused on Pondicherry Plant, Acrastyle UK Plant with Disconnector and Control and Relay Panels as key products. An Engineering Office was set up in Chennai to support Acrastyle UK efforts and help many other MNCs by offering a low cost engineering services in the field of secondary engineering.
In 2007 company set us an Indian Business for integrating protection systems with the expertise of Acrastyle UK had. The new plant at M M Nagar, near Chennai now houses two units- Acrastyle India Power Limited for Control and Relay Panel and S&S Power Switchgear Limited for Medium Voltage Switchgear Manufacturing.
In 2010 company entered into a Joint Venture agreement with Coelme Italy for EHV Disconnectors and created S&S Power Switchgear Equipment (SSPSE) Legal Entity.
S&S Power has got very large installed base of Disconnectors in India with over 45000 installations to its credit and more than 10000 outside India. The range of disconnectors includes Centre Break, Double Break, Pantograph and Vertical Break series from 36kV to 800kV. Disconnectors are supplied with different mechanisms namely – manual, manual geared or electric motor operated.
S&S Power has also got very large no of Indoor and Outdoor Medium Voltage Switchgears installed in India (around 20,000) and Outsside India (around 5,000) ranging from 3.3 KV to 36KV. Very large installed base of S&S MV Switchgear is now due for replacement, retrofit and overhauling creating an excellent opportunity for aftermarket sales. Technology agreement with EPS Switchgear UK for upgrading products with Maglatch solutions was entered in 2009 and a new generation of special switchgears for special applications started to take takes shape in MV Switchgear Offerings.
Acrastyle India and Acrastyle UK together hold prestigious installations like Paris London Tube rail and enjoy great patronage of UK utilities and across the world for Switching Solutions
Today S&S Power & Acrastyle India moved to a sprawling 50,000 Sq. feet integrated multi model facility.
Inception of S&S by Sethuraman & Shanthanakrishnan based in Chennai
1.South Wales Switchgear Disconnectors 2.Porur Factory Commissioned 3.Started Commercial production of: Pantograph type and Switching Isolators for EHV Systems(66KV to 400KV)
Vacuum Circuit Breaker was introduced for the first time in India in collaboration with Brush Switchgear
MV SF6 manufacturing started in collaboration with Brush Switchgear
Porcelain Clad Vacuum CB for 11kV & 33kV developed and introduced.
Introduced Miniature Circuit Breaker in collaboration with AEG Germany
Acquisition of S&S by the Jalan Group
Setup a Joint Venture with top rank in Kolalampur in Malaysia for manufacturing Medium voltage Switchgear in TNB Malaysia
Pondicherry state of the art Disconnector works established
Acquisition of Acrastyle UK
1.DEC 1999 Hived off LV and MCB Business to Schneider 2.Hived off LV and MV Fuse Business to Cooper Bussmann
Company was referred to BIFR
FEB 2002 S&S power share trading was suspended at BSE and NSE,JUN 2002 Porur factory was closed
Exited Joint Venture in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia,SEP 2006 Company settled all outstanding with bank,creditors,employees & came out of BIFR,Set up AIPL
Set up AEPS for Maglatch Manufacturing & Export
Established JV with Coelme for Disconnector Product Promotion
Shifted the headquarters of S&S Power to the sprawling 50,000 Sq. feet integrated multi modal facility in Maraimalai Nagar
Exit from COELME joint venture
Major plans of expansion of product range and geography
1.Global Product Range RD1- 45G has been registered and approved by ENA (UK). 2.Company implemented SAP.
Developed 40KA indoor VCB HHV PRIME to service contract from Maps
S&S PSE Unit-II has been set up in Maraimalai Nagar, Chennai.
S&S Power consolidates all disconnector operations in multimodal facility Maraimalai Nagar, Greater Chennai
Welcoming New Managing Director & Group CEO

Ethics & Values
Our values define our organisation, our customer approach and our business methods.
Dedication to delivering results for our customers, our business and our people.
Listening, understanding, seeking feedback, treating people fairly, being inclusive, valuing differences.
Taking personal accountability, creating something different that will stand out, delivering against expectations.
Building connections, collaborating across boundaries, caring about our people, our environment and communities.
To be a Global player in Disconnectors & Control Panel Products, Services & Retrofit Solutions through excellence in Engineering, Customer service and Innovation.
“One among the top 5 Indian Switchgear Brands”

Capture global market share with Acrastyle UK's strategic presence, alliances, and global sales network.
Specialize in custom Disconnectors, Control Panels, and services for key industries.
Innovate in Product, Process & Office Technology, seize smart opportunities, and future-proof the business.
Empower our workforce through continuous development and a strong talent pool.

Building partnership & alliance to grow
Expand Geographies and improve market access
Process Excellence in NPI, ITO, OTR
Talent to drive S&S Systems & Execute Strategy
Innovating Product, Process & Business Model
Service Excellence as Differentiator
Develop Systems Capability & Service P&L

To be a Global player in Disconnectors & Control Panel Products, Services & Retrofit Solutions through excellence in Engineering, Customer service and Innovation.
“One among the top 5 Indian Switchgear Brands”
Capture global market share with Acrastyle UK’s strategic presence, alliances, and global sales network.
Specialize in custom Disconnectors, Control Panels, and services for key industries.
Innovate in Product, Process & Office Technology, seize smart opportunities, and future-proof the business.
Empower our workforce through continuous development and a strong talent pool.
Building Partnership & alliance to grow
Expand Geographies and improve Market Access
Process Excellence in NPI, ITO, OTR
Talent to drive S&S Systems & execute strategy
Innovating Product, Process & Business Model
Service Excellence as differentiator
Develop Systems Capability & Service P&L

“Customer needs understood ✔️ Delivered flawlessly, right the first time, every time, on time ⏱️”
“We establish SOPs, work instructions 🛠️ & guidelines🔍 for accomplishing high quality🌟, safety⚠️, and reliability, ensuring strict adherence”
“Continuously raising the bar, surpassing our own achievements 📈. We eliminate waste in entire value stream and simplify processes for efficiency 🛠️ and precision 🎯”
“Fostering a culture of zero complaints ❌, zero defects ❌ zero effect, zero c/o time throughout our company and practice S&S Manufacturing System”
“We Measure & continuously reduce cost of quality failures 📉💰 in industrial , transactional and administrative processes.”